在 SET EXPLAIN 输出中的外部表操作

SET EXPLAIN 的 Query Statistics 部分提供关于从外部表加载数据或将数据卸载到外部表的操作的信息。

SET EXPLAIN 输出文件的 Query Statistics 部分中的下列代码提供关于外部表的信息:



QUERY: (OPTIMIZATION TIMESTAMP: 11-11-2009 12:55:20)
insert into items select * from ext_items

Estimated Cost: 5
Estimated # of Rows Returned: 68

  1) gbasedbt.ext_items: SEQUENTIAL SCAN

Query statistics:
  Table map :
  Internal name     Table name
  t1                items

  type     it_count   time
  xlread   1          00:00.00

  type     it_count   time
  xlcnv    67         00:00.00

  type     table  rows_ins   time
  insert   t1     67         00:00.00


QUERY: (OPTIMIZATION TIMESTAMP: 11-11-2009 12:47:55)
select * from orders into external ord_ext
using (datafiles ('disk:/tmp/ord'))

Estimated Cost: 2
Estimated # of Rows Returned: 23

  1) gbasedbt.orders: SEQUENTIAL SCAN

Query statistics:

  Table map :
  Internal name     Table name
  t1                orders

  type     table  rows_prod  est_rows  rows_scan  time       est_cost
  scan     t1     23         23        23         00:00.00   3

  type     it_count   time
  xucnv    23         00:00.00

  type     it_count   time
  xuwrite  23         00:00.00